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How do I get assessed for home care?If you wish to be assessed for publicly funded hours, simply call 811 and request that an AHS home care case manager come to your home to discuss your needs and the Invoicing Program. Once you have been approved for publicly funded hours through the Invoicing Program, call MR to arrange services. For any hours you require over and above those that are publicly funded, or if you wish to pay privately for home care, simply call MR at 780-340-4663 for a free consultation.
Do I need a physician referral to be assessed home care?You are always able to self-refer, or have a family member, neighbor, or friend call 811 and request a home care assessment from your local case manager. Should you be allotted hours from AHS and wish to utilize personal health insurance for any extra home care costs, you may also need a physician’s referral, but not all homecare clients will need this. What is the AHS Client-Directed Care INVOICING Option for Home Care Services? ● INVOICING gives Albertans more flexibility and choice in home care service delivery ● INVOICING is a collaboration between Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services, and Alberta Blue Cross ● INVOICING makes it easier for Home Care clients to access funded care from their Preferred Service Provider ● INVOICING requires an assessment of clients’ needs, and development of a care plan by an AHS home care case manager ● With INVOICING, instead of receiving services from AHS directly contracted providers, clients can receive services from any registered Alberta Blue Cross Home Care Provider of their choice ● With INVOICING, if your provider of choice is not an Alberta Blue Cross Provider, clients can work with AHS and Blue Cross to add their choice of providers to the Blue Cross Provider Directory ● INVOICING allows a client’s chosen care provider to provide Home Care services and then directly submit electronic claims to Alberta Blue Cross ● INVOICING makes it easier for clients to receive publicly funded care from their Preferred Service Provider
What is the difference between palliative and hospice care?Palliative care is comfort care for anyone diagnosed with a degenerative and/or terminal illness, regardless of what stage of the disease process they are currently at. This comfort care is aimed at improving quality of life post-diagnosis, whether cure is being sought or treatment undertaken. Often, palliative care is provided less frequently than hospice or end-of-life care, but the goal is always patient comfort and choice. Hospice care is essentially under the ‘umbrella’ of palliative care, however with a slightly different goal of comfort and quality of life, for the remainder of life, when treatment is no longer an option or desired. Hospice can begin right at diagnosis, when healthcare providers have no other treatment options to offer, or when the patient decides it is time. Hospice is NOT about dying. Death is a part of life, and hospice helps those with terminal diagnoses remain hopeful and living without fear of what is to come, confident in the comfort care they will receive. Sadly, hospice is often misunderstood as end-of-life care offered in hospitals or congregate living facilities, and often mistaken as being only available for patients with cancer, or those in the last few weeks/days of life. At MR, we offer true palliative and hospice care for our clients, in their home, wherever that may be and whenever that may be. We also strive to dispel the myths often associated with hospice and palliative care, and provide education for the community and healthcare providers, and change policy and funding options in the process.
Where can I receive palliative or hospice care?Palliative and hospice care can be provided in your home. In addition, hospice can be provided in an inpatient hospice facility, long-term care facility, or hospital-based inpatient hospice unit. Any in-patient or in-facility hospice is based on the availability of beds, and often requires being on a waitlist. There is also no guarantee that the hospice with a bed available will be close to your home or family. As far as palliative and hospice care, MR can assist you at your home, a family member’s home, in retirement, assisted, supportive living or long-term care. We have even provided additional hospice respite care for patient’s that are in hospital at end of life, to allow their family members to go home and rest while we ensure their loved one has one on one attention and advocacy at the bedside.
Do you have a minimum visit time?We do have a minimum visit time of 1 hour, dependent upon location and circumstances. However, we always work with our clients to provide the care that they need, when they need it, and whenever possible based on caregiver schedules.
Do I have to sign a contract for services?No contract is required for services. Should you wish to utilize the invoicing program, we do require a copy of your letter from AHS with the number of hours they have allotted to you.
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